Apple & Oat Crumble
12 / 12 / 15

Yesterday we had our every year kale dinner which is a tradition my parents have together with some friends. There we eat a delicious kale stew with potatoes and sausages.  The previous day I found this awsome looking apple & oat crumble recipe on pinterest from a blog called mattersofthebelly and thought this would work perfectly as a desert for our dinner. I love this recipe so much because  it´s super yummy, healthy and it couln´t be easier to make. Because it is made with such wholesome ingredience, it´s also an option for breakfast. Top it with yoghurt for breakfast and vanilla ice cream for desert, and you are in apple crumble heaven.

A day in my life: Apassionata
7 / 12 / 15

Yesterday my mom, my sister and I saw the amazing horse show Apassionata. I was so excited to see it myself, especially because my mom and my sister already have been there when I was in Canada last year. It actually was quite spontaneous but I was excited anyways. When you come in the arena you see the stage with these shiny curtains around it. When the show starts they open them slowly and together with the music it gives a really mysterious effect. The horses were gorgeous but what really touched me was the deep connection between man and horse. These tricks they do with the horses are all based on trust which you got to work hard for. And thats why I recommand to buy a ticked and go watch it yourself. It´s an amazing experience. Next year I will definitive go and watch the next show Cinema of Dreams.